Import Live Data

Data Refinery Workbench provides import APIs to upload Live Data objects and their Attributes. The data can be imported from a standardized JSONL or Excel file. The import is asynchronous and is initiated by creating a new import request.

Table of contents

Create a New Import

The Create Import POST API submits a new request to import Live Data to Workbench. The Import Type, Workflow Definition or Entity Type ID, timeout in seconds, and Import File are needed to create (start) the import. The create import API uploads the import file to a Workbench staging area and launches the asynchronous job that processes the data. The response contains the ID of the import which is used to check its status. Refer to the DR Workbench Create Import API reference for more information.

API Parameters

The Create Import API parameters specify the data file to be imported, the type of items to create for each data record, the definition ID on which the created items are based, and the maximum duration for the asynchronous import job. This API uses form input rather than json so that it can accept a multi-part file upload. Refer to the Defining Entity Types and Defining Workflow Definitions pages for more information. Below are the API form criteria to start the import.

  • importType - Required. Directs the data to live, workflow, or a combination of the two.
  • entityTypeID - Required for live-only import, otherwise ignored. Unique ID of a Entity Type definition.
  • workflowDefinitionID - Required for workflow or live+workflow import, otherwise ignored. Unique ID of a Workflow Definition
  • timeOutInSeconds - Required. Timeout duration for the asynchronous import job. If an import job runs longer than the timeout, the job is terminated. The minimum value is 60 seconds. If the argument is not provided, or is less than 60, the default value of 600 seconds (10 minutes) is used.
  • file - Required. Path to the jsonl or Excel file containing the data to import.

Note. The importType values of “live+workflow” and “workflow+live” are synonyms and do not imply any ordering. In both cases, a live DataObject is created first, then the Workflow is created.

Note. The timeoutInSeconds parameter is provided as a tool for the user to optimize resource usage and manage costs. The value is used to terminate jobs that run longer than expected. Provide values greater than the default for anticipated long running jobs, or less for short jobs. The minimum time value is 60 seconds (1 minute).

Create an Import Sample Request

curl -L '' \
-F 'entityTypeID="1"' \
-F 'importType="live"' \
-F 'file=@"/data/import_records.jsonl"'

Sample request to import data directly to Workflows:

curl -L '' \
-F 'entityTypeID="1"' \
-F 'importType="live"' \
-F 'file=@"/data/import_records.jsonl"'

Sample request to import data to both DataObjects and Workflows:

curl -L '' \
-F 'workflowDefinitionID="1"' \
-F 'importType="live+workflow"' \
-F 'file=@"/data/import_records.xlsx"'

“Create an Import” Sample Response

The ID in the response is the ID required for checking the status of the asynchronous import job. The create import response is similar to the response from the GET /import API for getting the import status. Refer to the Get Import Status section for more information on all of the fields. Some fields are omitted for brevity.

  "ID": 1,
    "submittedTime": "2024-12-17T23:13:40.717521Z",
    "startedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "completionTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "status": 1,
    "recordsProcessed": 0,
    "recordsFailed": 0,
    "importJobID": "e13f1349-65fe-4289-bf30-d111e6fe6e38",
    "importFailures": null,
    "stringStatus": "IN_PROGRESS"

Get Import Status

Once the import is created, the import job is queued for processing. If there is no queue, the import job will start quickly to upload the file. Depending on the size of the data being imported, it might take some time for the data import file to be ready for upload to Workbench. The import status retrieval API can be used to check the progress of the import process.

The Retrieve Import Status GET API submits a query request to retrieve the import status of the Import with the requested ID(no ID value retrieves the status of all imports). Additional information of failed imports can also be requested. Refer to the DR Workbench Get Import API for more information. Import status is retrieved on all of the most recent 50 imports. The following filters can be applied:

  • The ID query parameter is the ID of the import job to check for status. This is not the importJobID string in the create import response, but instead it’s the numeric ID value.
  • The ‘status’ query parameter is the string status on which to filter.
  • The ‘createdAt’ query parameter requests import status of imports submitted on or after the given date and time value.
  • The ‘returnFailures=true’ query parameter requests additional import failure information that includes the record index and error message. Default is false. The record index is a particular record’s place in the import file, ordered from the start of the file (1st line starts at 1).

    Get Import Status Sample Request

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json

Get Import Status Sample Response

The import job will periodically update the status to notify that the job is still processing the Data Objects for import.

  • StringStatus - IN_PROGRESS, SUCCESSFUL or FAILED. This is the status to look for.
  • Status - numeric code corresponding to StringStatus field. 1 - IN_PROGRESS, 2 - SUCCESSFUL and 3 - FAILED.
  • ImportJobID - Internal ID of the import job processing the request.
  • submittedTime - Time when the import was requested.
  • startedTime - Time when the import job started (after file upload).
  • completionTime - Time when the import job completed.
  • recordsProcessed - Number of data records processed from the input file.
  • recordsFailed - Number of data records that failed to import.
  • importFailures - List of data records that failed import with error messages and record index. Record index refers to a particular record’s place in the import file. This list is null unless requested with the ReturnValues argument of “true.”

Some fields are omitted for brevity.

    "ID": 1,
    "submittedTime": "2024-12-17T23:13:40.717521Z",
    "startedTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "completionTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:04Z",
    "status": 2,
    "recordsProcessed": 50,
    "recordsFailed": 0,
    "importJobID": "e13f1349-65fe-4289-bf30-d111e6fe6e38",
    "importFailures": null,
    "stringStatus": "SUCCESSFUL"

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